A five-week creative coven with weekly gatherings, rituals, prompts, folklore, and stories about the winter witches, their potent plants, the poison path. Explore the crossroads, realm of these stories, the liminal where magic is made.
Welcome to The Winter Crossroads
Under the Dark Moon in the days around Imbolc, the storytellers gathered…at the Winter Crossroads magic is made. During this five-week series and program, Kristin and Kate hold space with you at the creative cauldron of winter. Gathering by the fire, the lit candle, the winter altar, together we explore and tell the tales of the Winter Witches, potent and poisonous plants, folklore, and myth.
These stories are fodder for your own creative work, they are rituals to hold you in the darkest night of winter, they are seeds to hold in your hands before the coming spring. The Winter Crossroads is about gathering from our corners of the world, together to hold coven around these stories and in support of the telling of your own.
To the winter coccoon, to the creative path, to the Winter Witches, here in the final days of darkness, we remember and honor these stories.
Our Schedule
Wednesday, January 31st, 7:00-8:30 pm, The Quickening
Wednesday, February 7th, 7:00-8:30 pm, The Liminal Crossroads
Wednesday, February 14th, 7:00-8:30pm, The Seeking Arrow
Wednesday, February 21st, 7:00-8:30pm, The Garden of Lilith
Wednesday, February 28th, 7:00-8:30pm, The Magick Mirror
Week #1: The Quickening: Brigid, The Cailleach & Snowdrops
The Cailleach is the mountain crone, storm sorceress, and keening Winter Witch. During the dark months, when the winds howl and humans seek refuge indoors, the one-eyed giantess hops from mountain to mountain. Her footsteps create canyons, and each time she pounds her magickal hammer, the earth quakes within its icy cocoon. This week, we’ll contemplate the folklore of The Cailleach, Brigid, and their annual battle for the seasonal throne. Alongside Brigid, our fearless springtime maiden, we’ll face the winter winds, follow the Snowdrops to the Green Isle, and drink from the Well of Immortality.
Week #2: The Liminal Crossroads: Hecate & Henbane
Hecate is known as the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft, the crossroads, hell hounds, skeleton keys, and the potent and poisonous plant path. This archetypal figure is both a guide and a reckoning, a seer, and the underworld magic from whence Witchcraft came. This week, we’ll discuss the mythology surrounding Hecate and her poisonous plant garden, a place where serpents play, priestesses are initiated, and where you may face an initiation. Gather around the lit candle, and listen to Hecate tell the stories of the crossroads, mandrake, and henbane, while her hell hounds curl at her feet.
Week #3: The Seeking Arrow: Artemis & Cypress
The Huntress of the forest, the keeper of the wild wood, Artemis, arrives this week with her seeking arrow to teach us about the moon, wildness, cypress, and the hunt. This independent archetype, teacher of fiercess, this winter witch reminds us that the wildness that grows deep within our rib cages is longing to unfurl into the world and our work. This week, Artemis strings her bow, and aims for the heavens, teaching us that we ever need exists already within us. Wherever Artemis walks, her hunting dogs by her side, Cypress spring up behind her, teachers of wildness and magic at the edge of the forest. Gather around this bonfire, and listen to the tales of her potent and powerful path.
Week #4: The Garden of Lilith: Lilith & Belladonna
Lilith is the Hand of Inanna turned Mother of Demons. In Hebraic myth, she is the Witch, Whore, Serpent Woman, Baby Snatcher, and Hag that feeds on a person’s life force when they are most vulnerable. Whether highlighted through humiliation, rage, or someone’s sexual desires, Lilith is only dangerous when supressed. This week, we will discuss Lilith as an embodiment of the Great Mother and the former wife of Adam. We’ll explore the Garden of Eden, Red Sea, and visit the Belladonna fields. We’ll collect “witch berries’ for the Goddess-turned-Femme Fatal and contemplate the Dark Moon mysteries.
Week #5: The Magick Mirror: Athena, Medusa & Olive
Deep within the Gorgons’ lair, the memory of Medusa is alive and well. A monster who revels in turning men to stone, this snake-haired maiden is best known for her feud with Athena, Greek goddess of war and justice. But in an earlier life, Medusa stitched herself into the heavens under the guise of the dark moon. Beneath the cover of night, she was a Serpent Queen, oracle, and a healer. This week, using Medusa as a mirror, we will gaze into our inner sanctums. We will don the Gorgon mask and draw down the moon. We will try on Athena’s armor, Hermes’ winged sandals, and pluck seeds of wisdom from the Olive tree. With any luck, Medusa will introduce us to the sea spirits, serpents, and a way of existing before the solar gods arrived.
The cost of $330 for the five-week program includes five 90 minutes class, with recordings downloadable, five downloadable PDFs with rituals and prompts for extended study, a Slack Community & Coven to connect with other Winter Witches around the tales, potent plants, magic, astrology, ritual, and storytelling (including Kristin & Kate). We prioritize making my offerings accessible. If you require assistance, please write us a message to explain your situation and we can work together to find a solution.
No! This program is intended to support any schedule. Workshops can be listened to via recording. And you can tune into these workshops from any place as long as you have internet.
The Slack and recordings from the workshop will end with the program, however, the prompts, exercises, and PDFs from workshops are yours to keep forever.
No experience needed! Just a love of stories and plant magic required.
Testimonials from Previous Crossroads Classes
Journeying with the Winter Goddesses was life changing. I found Crossroads to be powerfully feminist by working with maligned Goddesses. I loved Kristin's storytelling so much. The shadow work was breathtaking and enlightening. I loved Kate's plant journeys and researching them after class. It was wonderful and cathartic to write about my experiences. The community formed was exceptional. I loved being with extraordinary women and reading their posts. So incredible. Thank you, Kate and Kristin. I had a delightful time and would do another Crossroads in a heartbeat. - V.
Kate and Kristen created something so special within The Crossroads. It was full of great information, prompts to ignite your creativity, and a supportive group of like minded, creative, people. - C.
My appreciation for the Goddess & the plants has truly deepened. Kate & Kristin shared their love for each with such warmth & authenticity. I never knew I would enjoy writing so much, it’s given me another tool to express my creativity & feelings. Many, many thanks! - C.
The Crossroads was an amazing five weeks, one where I learned so much about myself and got to connect with so many like minded individuals. I feel like both my writing and my goddess connections are stronger because of visiting the Crossroads. I came because the goddesses called. I'm grateful because of the voices and words from the beautiful coven. I'm thankful for Kristen's storytelling and Kate's intimate knowledge of plants. The Crossroads is a place of so much growth. I am so thankful I attended. - M.
The Crossroads started me on a path to find my voice again through writing, while in supportive, encouraging community. I will sign-up up for any program Kate and Kristin offer. They have lovely energy, so much wisdom to share and a way of bringing out the magic within. - J.
Kate and Kristin, each incredible in their own right, come together and make some kind of extra magic. They created a sacred container where we could gather and share the most authentic selves and be vulnerable if we chose. The material provided was accessible but also rich, enabling me to get much deeper in my studies of goddesses and plants. It was empowering, supportive, and so so lovely. - T.
I loved being in a safe space to share my writing. I loved that Kate and Kristin created this container for us to experience magic together. And you truly felt it! When we were done for the night it felt like someone letting you go after a big hug. You felt all warm and inspired by love and magic. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out where there is room for improvement. There's nothing I can think of! I am looking forward to the Spring Crossroads. And I'd love to keep doing the Winter Crossroads every year! - D.
The Winter Crossroads was a unique container unlike any other I've experienced. Weaving together their magical talents and energies, Kate and Kristin crafted a welcoming, informative, and deeply connective space. It's clear that they put intentionality into every element of the class, and the stories they told alone would have been so worth the time and expense. A balance of those new to the winter goddesses, and those who have had relationships with them for many years, the community that gathered was such a breath of fresh air. The writing component was a perfect way to encourage engagement and bring folks closer together through sharing. I actually met up in real life with one of the folks from this class and have made a lasting connection that I would never have otherwise. Overall, I highly recommend folks to attend any of The Crossroads programs, and hope to see you there again myself! - R.
Your Guides:
Kristin Lisenby
Kristin Lisenby is a Storyteller and Word Witch living in the Azores Islands. Inspired by the moon and the garden, Kristin writes stories and reimagined fairy tales for the magically minded. She pens the voice behind Little Witch Books, and in 2020, she co-founded Pointy Hat Press, an independent publishing house exploring Witchcraft and Paganism through a modern lens. Kristin is also the co-host of Magick & Alchemy, a podcast about mythology and witchcraft. She is passionate about plants, nearly-forgotten folklore, Magical Realism, caring for her three goats, and working alongside her partner to infuse new life into their century-old farmhouse.
Kate Belew
Kate Belew is a Brooklyn-based writer, poet, storyteller, and Witch from Michigan. Her work spans genres and spaces: poetry, nonprofits, immersive theatre, health and wellness, herbalism, witchcraft, and the psychedelic. She co-hosts Magick & Alchemy, a Tamed Wild podcast about mythology and witchcraft. Kate facilitates and teaches writing workshops and has an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. Her writing can be found in a variety of publications, both digital and print. Kate has studied herbalism with Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine online, Kathryn Solie’s Poisonous Plants Series, and in an apprenticeship with Green Witch Robin Rose Bennett, in addition to her life experience and self-study, in tandem with her love of books. Kate is a lifelong student of the plants, stars, and poetry.