Join me for a series of three classes on the Word Witch, an introduction to the magic of writing.


During the shadow season of the year, in between Samhain and Solstice, the Word Witches gathered, crafting magic from words, writing in their grimoires, and consulting books as oracles.

Word Witches are spellcasters of language. They are storytellers, poets, writers, and ritualists who know that writing anything is a form of channeling: spirits, ancestors, collective dreams, and their most authentic and surprising selves.  Word Witches spent their childhoods reading paperback novels by flashlight. They conjure up poems with their magic wands and their pens. Word Witches love music and write lyrics down on napkins and notebook covers. They love making. They have a worn-out library card or a stack of books on their nightstand. They listen to audiobooks while they walk. Word Witches have a favorite pen. They keep a dream of publishing something in their heart. They submit writing to journals. They run journals. They collaborate with other Word Witches. Word Witches might share at an open mic or keep their words secret and tucked into a journal. Word Witches love a story. They love a storyteller. And a Word Witch might be you.

This series is an introduction to Word Witchery. In this course we will practice spell writing, blessings, building a ritual, bibliomancy, and automatic writing. No experience is needed, just a love of magic, creativity, and writing.

Our Schedule

The classes will be three, one hour sessions. Each session will be recorded for those who cannot attend live. These recordings will be made downloadable so you can keep the recordings.

Wednesday, November 29th, 7:00-8:00pm EST

Wednesday, December 6th, 7:00-8:00pm EST

Wednesday, December 13th, 7:00-8:00pm EST

The Classes

Class #1, November 29th, 7:00-8:00pm EST

During class number one we’ll discuss who a Word Witch is, basic portals into practicing Word Witchery, we’ll discuss automatic writing, and channeling, and will conclude the evening with an automatic writing session.

Class #2, December 6th, 7:00-8:00pm EST

During class number two, we’ll practice basic spell writing. You’ll learn approaches to spell writing, tips and tricks, and we’ll conclude the evening with a framework for writing a blessing.

Class #3, December 13th, 7:00-8:00pm EST

During class number three, we’ll talk about divination with Bibliomancy, crafting a writing life and a writing practice, and discuss how to build your own writing rituals.



I prioritize making my offerings accessible. If you require assistance, please write me a message to explain your situation and we can work together to find a solution. 

What’s Included in Word Witch?

This course includes three, one-hour classes. The recordings will be made available and downloadable for those that can’t attend live. During the workshop, you will have access to a community Slack channel to share your Word Witchery, connect with other writers, and gather.


DO I NEED TO ATTEND The Workshop live?

No! This workshop is intended to work with any schedule. This workshop can be listened to via recording.


Yes! Make sure to download the recording of the Zoom workshop to listen/watch the class whenever is most supportive to you.


No experience needed! Just a love of words, language, creativity and Word Witchery.

Testimonials from Past Word Witches:

“Word Witch has been such an inspiring and nourishing experience. I had lots of energy that wanted to express via writing but struggled to take action. Having a space like this to come to helped me put pen to paper and do what I’ve been wanting to. I love the gentle and supportive community to share writing and all other random thoughts with. Kate holds space beautifully, with genuinely powerful and graceful expertise. Looking forward to joining again next time!”

“Word Witch was a lovely experience. I've taken to writing in the past year and it feels like a really nice form of self-care. Word Witch is self-care. I really felt included, like I belonged there. I loved being able to share my words with the group. Kate really held us and supported us. She has a wonderful energy and created a beautiful container. Thank you!”

“My time spent on and during Word Witch has been vital to me reclaiming my identity as a writer, and helping me to allow my voice to come forth. The instruction and guidance on setting intentions and creating a writing practice as ritual gave me tangible and reproducible skills to move forward and grow. It's a must if you are a Word Witch and Writer.”

“It was a great introduction to developing a magically inclined writing practice. It felt like getting answers to questions I didn’t know I had been asking. The experience opened me up to new practices that I look forward to exploring more on my own. It is definitely a workshop I would recommend to any writer, reader, and the magically curious.”

“I loved to write anything when I was younger, now that I grew up-I kept having this feeling to pick up the pen and write something, always not knowing what. When I saw the opportunity to join a Word Witch workshop, I took it as a sign. Now, whenever I'm in the mood-I make sure to write down my feelings in more poetic way.”

“Experiencing writing through Kate's word witchery workshop has given me the opportunity to express my inner self in a safe community. Her classes are well thought out and interesting, My daily rituals and practices are growing and I'm really happy about that.”

“Kate Belew’s Word Witch class conjured up a supportive community of fellow Word Witches. Over three weeks, our classes were filled with deeper interpretations of possibly familiar witchery mixed with new imaginings. Would love to attend a Word Witch 2!”

“Being a Word Witch is about building a ritualized practice that you develop as an altar for your magic. In Word Witch, Kate provides beautiful guidance through the key practices for creating and channeling your devotional power.”

“I loved everything about it. I’ve taken “classes” with other witches, and often I finish thinking I paid too much for what I got. This is not the case with your class. It was organized, professional, and personal.”

“Nothing is witchier than gathering with word witches to weave magical manifestos! Follow Kate into her liminal universe and enthrall yourself with poetry and prose like no other.”

“Kate’s programs are always so incredible, knowledgeable, creative, inspiring, and witchy. Word Witch was no exception. Thank you Kate for another amazing program!”


Kate Belew

Kate Belew is a Brooklyn-based writer, poet, storyteller, and Witch from Michigan. Her work spans genres and spaces: poetry, nonprofits, immersive theatre, health and wellness, herbalism, witchcraft, and the psychedelic. She co-hosts Magick & Alchemy, a Tamed Wild podcast about mythology and witchcraft. Kate facilitates and teaches writing workshops and has an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. Her writing can be found in a variety of publications, both digital and print. Kate has studied herbalism with Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine online, Kathryn Solie’s Poisonous Plants Series, and in an apprenticeship with Green Witch Robin Rose Bennett, in addition to her life experience and self-study, in tandem with her love of books. Kate is a lifelong student of the plants, stars, and poetry.