Word Witch
Word Witch
During the shadow season of the year, in between Samhain and Solstice, the Word Witches gathered, crafting magic from words, writing in their grimoires, and consulting books as oracles.
Word Witches are spellcasters of language. They are storytellers, poets, writers, and ritualists who know that writing anything is a form of channeling: spirits, ancestors, collective dreams, and their most authentic and surprising selves. Word Witches spent their childhoods reading paperback novels by flashlight. They conjure up poems with their magic wands and their pens. Word Witches love music and write lyrics down on napkins and notebook covers. They love making. They have a worn-out library card or a stack of books on their nightstand. They listen to audiobooks while they walk. Word Witches have a favorite pen. They keep a dream of publishing something in their heart. They submit writing to journals. They run journals. They collaborate with other Word Witches. Word Witches might share at an open mic or keep their words secret and tucked into a journal. Word Witches love a story. They love a storyteller. And a Word Witch might be you.
This series is an introduction to Word Witchery. In this course we will practice spell writing, blessings, building a ritual, bibliomancy, and automatic writing. No experience is needed, just a love of magic, creative, and writing.