Creativescopes for December 2023 are here! These horoscopes are crafted and designed to help you tap into your creative cycles this season. Astrology is a language for understanding the human experience, so take what resonates for you and leave the rest. You can read this horoscope for your Rising Sign for the most accurate reading, but you can always view the messages through the lens of the sun and your moon sign for added perspective.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Sagittarius, December brings your fire, your desire to communicate, to point your arrows to the stars, from the stars. Sometimes, your aim will be a bullseye (and sometimes it won’t), but the intention and follow-through are essential. Stand on your two feet, honor your foundation, take a deep breath, and shoot. Where you come from informs where you’re going. Honor the crossroads of the now.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
Capricorn, you are no stranger to the mountain. This month asks you to consider the song you sing as you climb. You have stories to share. Your experiences inform the way you communicate. How do you share your voice? How does it echo between the peaks? This is my rallying cry to you, “keep going,” we long to hear what you have to say.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Aquarius, you have big dreams, and rightfully so. This month, magic is afoot and conspiring to support you. When you feel a bit of pressure, remember the lessons of the river and find flow. Do the dance that is your dance. Know there is a method to your madness in your heart, and keep dreaming, you innovative and wild dreamer.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
While you’re ruled by the symbolic waters that run deep in your veins, Pisces, a fire is lit in your heart this month. What flames are you feeding in your every day, but in a larger sense, in your higher calling? We are always more than one thing: embrace your fire, celebrate your inner rivers, and follow the dream to the horizon.
Aries & Aries Rising
Aries, you are a gift, a candle in the window, a fire lit in the hearth. Though where you’ve been might not have always been a smooth ride, the lessons you have gathered will bring you many blessings on your travels. This month, I invite you to visit the old stories, not solely your own, but the tales of fellow travelers. You are a storyteller. Remember this as the month unfolds, and keep those myths, legends, and lore told by fellow travelers tucked into your back pocket.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Taurus bears repeating that sometimes, change is the best gift. Who you are transcends what is happening daily, so this month, I encourage you to celebrate yourself, your inherent worth, and your wholeness. Feel your feet rooted into the earth under you (or the palms of your hands). Move slowly, deliberately, paint a picture, write a poem, begin again.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
Gemini, you are a talented weaver. You wind and craft the threads that make the big picture. This month, take a lesson from the spider, the patron saint of creatives everywhere, and keep creating. When the threads are difficult to handle, call on those around you. The web we are connected to is much larger than we remember sometimes. Close your eyes, and follow that imagination forward (invite others along).
Cancer & Cancer Rising
Cancer, this month is asking you to dance. Like your beloved waters that rush onto the shore and retreat again, the cycles of all things are a form of medicine: swirl, tidepool, grotto in your way (even rip tide). The ocean's churn tells a secret: put your ear close to the waters of yourself to listen, invite someone to dance, or sing as if you are a seashell (so many tiny pieces of sand, constructed into art).
Leo & Leo Rising
Leo, these are the dark months of the year in the northern hemisphere, but your stars continue to blaze against that dark night. In your heart, you carry a torch. No matter how many steps to the underworld are in the dark, you know your way there and back. Remember who you are. You are lion divine. Create from these shadows and bring your fire. How you shine allows others to see through the dark, too.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
Virgo, I invite you to be ecstatic this month. Celebrate, speak aloud love poems, and be kind to those around you in your partnerships, friendships, and romantic relationships. If you have the kindness to extend, do so. Seek the joy amongst the grief, find the pleasure in the shadows, and walk in the wild winter’s snow (both literal and metaphorical). This season of solstice teaches a lesson of the flickering candle. Embody its lessons this December.
Libra & Libra Rising
Libra, you have been undergoing a deep transformation. Both in your roots and wings, the windy, gnarled, life-giving past, and the feathers of future flight. “Where will you travel now,” they both seem to ask. Spend some time journaling about Decembers that have passed. Remember where you came from, and then dream of Decembers that wait in the future. This is a crossroads. Look each way before you take your next step (and remember this moment, too).
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
Scorpio, you know how much power resides in a carefully chosen word, so make from that well this month. As you craft your dreams and your daily life, it’s time to reinvigorate your daily rituals. Lean on your intuition this month. The path to transformation is not always a path traveled lightly but put one foot in front of the other, and the way forward will appear under your feet (it’s a worthwhile journey).